Scarica il fascicolo informativo. Nuova generazione di cavi per sistemi di Videosorveglianza
Technical specifications
Depending on the application, at a regulatory level, a fire-resistant cable may be required for power lines.
The FRH cable family has been specially designed to ensure the correct operation of the emergency circuit under fire conditions and to ensure maximum transmission performance.
For this purpose, they are made in pairs, trunks or quarters.
Working voltage and operating time (PH) in operation under critical conditions determine from a constructive point of view the most suitable type of cable to be used.
The new production processes have made it possible to produce a more flexible and smaller cable than a conventional fire resistant cable.
For the first time in the construction of a power cable, the technical characteristics required by the operators of the sector have also been taken into account.
Greater flexibility, superior fire resistance, lower weight, low toxic and harmful gas emissions, indoor, outdoor and public places, … are key features for the plant operator.
Less time in drafting lines and less fatigue during laying will make this family of fire resistant cables made in Italy become a new reference point.